民視英語新聞 | 可愛寵物網
2019年7月7日—Kevin接觸寵物安親照顧工作已經十五年了,最初店裡的營業項目,也沒有設定要照顧老犬,只是當那些常來住宿的狗狗,年紀愈來愈大,他發現自己 ...
Pet insurance, nursing homes give old dogs a new lease on life (2019/07/07)Dogs and cats are living longer these days, thanks to good nutrition, veterinary care, and owners who dote on them more than ever before. But as pets get older, they develop special needs that many families arent prepared to handle. Taking aim at the needs of aging pets, businesses are rolling out products and services never before seen in Taiwan, such as pet insurance, pet nursing homes, and even pet acupuncture. In tonights Sunday special report, we focus on the changing demographics of Taiwans animal society and explore new solutions for pets in their senior years.
This pet hotel in Taipei’s Songshan District is said to be the first in the country to offer long-term care for older pets.
This older dog is called Mei-Mei. She has lost her eyesight, and lost control of her bladder and bowels. The staff here h...
奢華的寵物旅館@ 戴爾美語英文補習班:: 痞客邦 | 可愛寵物網
"沃里克寵物旅館" 英文翻譯 | 可愛寵物網
"我的寵物旅館" 英文翻譯 | 可愛寵物網
民視英語新聞 | 可愛寵物網
英文聽力短篇,DogsVacay讓主人也能安心度假。順便看看 ... | 可愛寵物網
誰能幫我翻譯~有關寵物相關的英文 | 可愛寵物網
我的宠物旅馆英文_我的宠物旅馆英语怎么说 | 可愛寵物網
沃里克宠物旅馆英文 | 可愛寵物網
寵物夢公園Pets Dream Park <寵物寄宿、寵物旅館、寵物安親 ... | 可愛寵物網
【主題單字】養寵物必備:寵物英文單字懶人包All About Pets ... | 可愛寵物網