Live互動英語報 | 可愛寵物網
2013年12月16日—英文充電站:,每日一句.活動快遞:,2013上班族語言書展,職場...由於這些及其他的原因,許多飼主就棄養他們的狗。狗一旦在街頭獨立生活便會快速 ...
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Many of us have probably passed by stray dogs on our way to school or work. However, few of us stop to think about how these animals ended up in the streets or whether they need help. Taiwan has around sixty thousand homeless dogs, and most of these animals are simply the result of human abandonment.
Some buy puppies without considering the long-term responsibilities. Owning a puppy seems like fun, but with time, puppies become more difficult to manage, especially for people living in apartments. Puppies may start chewing on slippers or damaging furniture. When the owners arent home and their pets bark, neighbors might complain. Some owners want to avoid medical fees when their dogs get sick. For these and other reasons, many owners abandon their dogs.
Once on their own in the str...
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